My Random Musings

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Monday, 3 November 2008

Feeling blue today....

There were some reasons why I was feeling blue today. Today, I wore blue to work because I was feeling blue….. I feel blue because I don’t like Monday, still weekend mood anyway hehehe…not enough rest and got ‘spinning mood’ today. Gosh! Why I cannot be like children that free from all the spinning stuffs, laughing all the way, smiling all the time…and feel goods like NTV7 hahahha…I ever read from the Anonymous ‘If you learn from your suffering, and really come to understand the lesson you were taught, you might be able to help someone else who’s now in the phase you have just completed. Maybe that’s what it’s all about after all’ yeah!...that’s what we call life, my friend said her life is not easy and not simple as I think… all depends on you yourself. If you think your life is so hard then you’ll feel hard to live..hahahha… I thank God because my friend played her piano for me, played some songs that I really like just to raise my spirit and just to cheer me up…thanks Sze tshin for today…really like it..God bless you…I know friend indeed is always there when we need them, right? Yeah!

1 comment:

Tompinai paladius @ NiT said...

Hey lady that is not all about feeling's what they call depressive manic monday..heheheheh....:)